Thank you for stopping by our website and taking the time to look it over. That means that you are either already attending our congregation or you are looking for a place to worship. Either way, Welcome!
As the Lead Pastor for New Life Community Church of the Nazarene, I want to extend to you an invitation to come worship with us. Perhaps you have already seen our Mission Statement, but in case you haven’t I want to assure you that we are a warm, welcoming family that strives to meet people right where they are, accept them just as they are, and then walk with them to where God wants us all to be.
What does this mean? Come as you are, really… you don’t have to dress up and pretend to have your act together, none of us do! We are all on a journey of grace! None of us have arrived! In fact, if you are looking for a perfect church, please look elsewhere. We are not perfect and while we are striving to grow into Christlikeness, we know that we all have work to do. We are relying on God’s grace, forgiveness, and empowerment to help us on the way.
If that sounds appealing to you, please come and worship with us.